Sunday, September 26, 2010

'God, it's been a long time since i received some blessings!'

it was quite a fruitful weekend though i feel that i had too much spare time during the day, and i think i should really get down to studying really soon.

i was just bathing and counting on the blessings i've received ever since i came here.

it was drizzling the whole day on saturday. i had some plans to shoot some zombies(with my camera) but the weather puts me off. i was thinking that if the weather's gonna be wet, i'm not going out to shoot. the event starts at 6pm but at 5pm, it was still drizzling bit. came 530pm and the sun popped up with some nice clouds complimenting. i grabbed my camera bag immediately and cycled to the city trying to find those zombies! i couldn't find them, texted my friend and she didn't reply til awhile later.. so i went to shoot some sunsets along the river. a fruitful catch i think! it was lovely and i met Lotta, who was shooting the sunset there as well.

my friend replied later on and i went to shoot those zombies! there were about 50 of them, all dressed up and ready to kill! awesome experience. the finns are known to be reserved but when they are zombified/drunk, they aren't shy at all! most of them were ready to pose for the cameras and that helped in making good pictures alot!

came sunday, i was actually half excited about.. still, thank God for the chance to serve.
it was a special service and i had the opportunity to play drums for the worship. it was quite a nerve wrecking experience, with about 200odd in the congregation who doesn't like loud music. being myself, i can't worship with soft music or drumming! the first few songs were pretty slow, soft, 3/4, u get the drift.. during the altar call, songs from hillsong, chris tomlin were on the playlist; something more familiar to me. frankly, i don't think i did a super awesome job myself. i'm not familiar with electronic drum sets and however expensive/realistic they might be, i'll still prefer an acoustic drum set anytime. after the service, strangers from the congregation were coming to me, welcoming me to the church and thanking me for playing the drums. one brother told me that during his stay in the 2 years in church, he has never seen anyone played the drums before.

not my own glory because it is not important at all. i'm glad to have make any impact possible to this community. i'm praying that God will work through me, to bring worship to a higher and deeper level in this church.

then, jia-yi(one of the sisters and attendees of the international service and from china), came to me and asked if i needed anything like plates, blankets etc.. i was thinking why not. i needed some of these in fact. so she invited me to her place as well as to get those. i was being blessed with some plates, cups and a frying wok! i was intending to buy a frying pan but it has put me off for some time because it's quite expensive! now i'm blessed with a frying wok which is even bigger. maybe God is asking me to bless more people with my cooking since i was given a bigger wok than expected. :P

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