auntie san san almost got blown away with the kite..
jas got a very interesting pose for kite flying.. hmm..
the technicals! haha.. auntie san san looks like she's using her bodyweight to anchor herself! another interesting posse! this one too! save me, save the kite!
haha.. eat lunch only. don't so fierce k? that's more like it!
so i went to marina barrage today on this desert-hot morning with a bunch of crazy young people and the henderson senior citizens. thanks for joshua for lending a hand to be my saikang warrior. now here are just some favourites to share! spot urself inside!
alright. these are the glamer ones. i'll post the unglam ones up later! hahahahaa!
very brave! i don't think i'd dare to do something like this! ahh! blindfolded games! cockroaches? worms..? luckily not! you may now.. kiss the groom! a pew for me. so cool! marriage with the kiss!